Freelance 2D Motion Designer


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Terrible Days are Awesome - Here's Why


Today totally sucks and that's awesome.

Let me explain.

We grow the most through struggles.

I am feeling the struggle today. It's been laid on thick. This is my chance to do what I hate doing; to step into the uncomfortable spaces that I don't know what I'm doing and figure it out. It's time to grow. That's why this sucky day is awesome.

I sent this text to my wife this past Wednesday. I was having a rough day. We all have rough days.


I sent several texts before that one complaining about how awful my day was.

But then it hit me.

That cliché, "every problem is an opportunity in disguise", popped in my head.

It's true.

It's all a matter of perspective.

Several fallacies we believe about difficult situations

  • If only _ difficult situation hadn’t happened to me, I'd be successful.
  • If only I was prettier, smarter, funnier, I'd have what I want like those lucky people over there.
  • If only my boss could recognized my talent, I'd be able to move up the ladder.
  • If only I was married, my life would be complete.
  • Woe is me. My life is hard. I’m stuck. Etc.

We either assume or forget that people achieving their goals face the same, if not more, difficult life struggles as us.

What successful people do is avoid excuses.

3 tips for overcoming difficult problems

  1. Pretend the concept of an excuse doesn’t even exist. You can’t make one. Now what are you going to do? You have to face the difficult situation in front of you with a solution driven mindset.
  2. Think of the problem as something to solve. And if this is a problem others have, you can help them solve that problem by writing a blog post, recording a podcast or creating a product.
  3. Think of solving the problem as a perseverance test. Grit is something you'll need to overcome even larger problems down the road to your big goals. Imagine yourself in 10 years, solving huge problems. Problems way bigger and scarier than the one you're facing today. Now what would the older, wiser you say about your current conundrum? Just do it. Get it over with. Move on. Make the tough decision and make it work.
Austin Saylor