Freelance 2D Motion Designer


blog on art + entrepreneurship

Open and Close the Graph Editor with Shift + F3


After Effects Tip of the Week

(fn +) Shift + F3 = open/close the graph editor

Clicking the little graph editor button gets to be tedious after 2 minutes of animating. 

If you're not familiar with the graph editor, this post will get you up to speed very quickly with 4 graph editor basics you need to know.

What's the (fn +) for? If you're on a MacBook or MacBook Pro, you may have to use the "fn" key to get the F3 to function correctly. 

Lettering Animation Spotlight

This week's spotlight is from the lettering and animation duo Olguin Daviher and Mr. Pezi. I love the subtle yellow the leads the animated strokes. And then dots, in the same yellow, swirl and reveal "barbershop." It's just so nice. The little bit of camera push gives it a touch more depth as well. You gotta check out there accounts...  Olguin and Mr. Pezi make a great lettering animation team 💪

Use #LetteringAnimation for a chance to be in the spotlight

If you're interested in getting featured in the lettering animation spotlight, I will be checking the hash tag #LetteringAnimation on Instagram. There's not much going on in that hashtag... so let's go change that!

36 Days of Lettering Animation


Alright. So here are this weeks lettering animations. 

I'll be honest. I'm not in love with my C animation. It's not my favorite. And the amount of time I spent on it could make you cry. But I'm not upset about it. I was experimenting with a plugin I hadn't used before. It's a really cool plugin, but I wanted it to do something specific that really wasn't the strength of the plugin. Oh well. Not every experiment turns out great.

The D, however, I do like :) It was pretty simple to design and animation, but it was a lot more fun to make and is just a more interesting piece. 

Any who, if you want the After Effects files for these two, sign up below and I'll send them to you! This is a great way to learn lettering animation. 

Austin Saylor